Friday, August 23, 2013

25 Pounds....GONE!

Today I've made it half way to my FIRST mini-goal! It's been 7 weeks and I've lost 25 Pounds....GONE! That's 3.5 pounds each week! It feels SO AWESOME! Even though I haven't been able to run...I'm still eating great, doing my daily weights and aerobics, and I've been walking every night here in my neighborhood to make up for the lack of running.  I'm so excited that this is really working! Joe is being SO supportive and has been super great at not sabotaging me at all this time so I gotta give him some BIG props for helping me succeed!  Thanks Honey Butters! I'm doing the Happy Dance!

Friday, August 16, 2013


I'm SO happy! 
Got on the scale today and IT MOVED!! 
I've lost 22 pounds! 
I feel great and I guess this is still working so....once I heal up my ankle and knee....I'm be back running and speed-walking and working my butt off every day! Onward and downward I go! =D

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

No More Running! =(

I won't be able to run anymore for a while so I'm pulling it all back to doing a speed walk.  Both my knees and my left ankle are hurting pretty bad and I don't want to irreversibly do any further damage to them.  I'm so bummed...I love running so, SO much and I'm not a big fan of speed walking but I will make the best of it and stay positive.  I'm going to up my aerobics and strength training to offset that I'm not running which should still burn calories pretty well.  It's been another 5 days and no change in my weight.  Still crossing my fingers that by Friday I see a loss.


Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Will It Stop?

Here I am....20 pounds lighter and now I'll see if I'll lose any more weight.  My PCOS has always kicks into full gear at this point and shut down any and all weight-loss so...this week will tell if this diet is really going to work against it or will this be like every time before. I know PCOS is a hurdle that those of us who are affected by it never get past but I still have a good attitude. Whether I lose any more weight or not...won't derail me from keeping my focus on the most important aspect of this entire journey for just live as Healthy as I possibly can.  I won't lie though...I'm hoping with all hope that this all will actually keep working. *crossing fingers! =)

Friday, August 9, 2013

The First BIG 20!

YES YES YES! I have lost my first 20 pounds! WHOOP WHOOP! I'm so happy this all is working for me and I really have hope back in my heart again that I can truly rid myself of this weight. I'm so very thankful that I've found my personal solution to this PCOS burden of weight-loss resistance! I'm working very hard and I've enjoyed almost every minute of it. I've never felt better in my life and I can't believe how much energy I have.

The foods I'm eating now are so yummy but this is NO's a change of lifestyle.  We are eating "Clean" and we got rid of many starchy carb foods. I eat something every 3 hours, drink lots of cold water, and exercise (running/weights/aerobics) every day, to keep my metabolism up and running. It's wonderful! Goodbye you nasty 20 pounds...I got lots of your ugly friends to work on now to join you! =D

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Um....WOW! =)

Ok...I know that most people know this and I've even seen it on occasion through the years but now that I'm losing the amazes me how big it really all is! I found this pic of 1 pound of fat and I've lost 18 of these! It feels Awesome!  =)

This is pretty cool too and I'm keeping it in my mind as I push my workouts every day! 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

18 Pounds!

I finally lost two more pounds! That's 18 total so far! Yay! This is week 5 so hopefully in the next two weeks I will hit my first 20 pound weight loss!  I'm crossing my fingers and eating my Bananas! LOL! =)

Joe and I ran our block again last night and I was finally able to run the entire .25 mile without walking and the remaining .25 mile I only walked HALF! Our block is on an nice incline so that made it even a MORE triumphant moment for me! I kicked BOOTIE!! Go Angie Go Angie! LOL! =)

Monday, August 5, 2013

Another 5 days!

Another 5 days and the scale is still stuck. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr!  I'm seriously just going to have to get used to this struggle although I seriously HATE IT! Ugh! I'm eating right and working out hard 6 days a week, including my wonderful running, sooooo....sooner or WILL move again. Ha! Living life without the guilt each day feels pretty dang good though...even if the scale is determined to fight me for every pound! Healthy = Happy! =)

Friday, August 2, 2013

Never Thought I'd Say THAT! Ha! =)

So today I got done running my usual 10 min and I hadn't really broke a good sweat yet so...I just kept running until I felt those beautiful beads run down my cheek.  I'm now at 15 min to get that good sweat going and then did my 10 min of weights! Yep...10 minutes running just isn't cutting it anymore! Never thought I'd be sayin' THAT! HA! It's a wonderful Friday! Whoop Whoop! =)